Through Thick & Thin is a 2D puzzle platformer where you can manipulate size in strange and unusual ways. Brave a series of worlds, solve handcrafted puzzles, and overcome your fears.

The controls are simple

"W,A,S,D" or Arrow Keys to Move

"Q" or "Z" to Shrink

"E" or "C" to Grow

"Tab", "Left Alt", or "Mouse Click" to Attack

"Spacebar" to Jump

"Esc" to Pause

Expand Your Horizons

Reveal your hidden powers on a journey to deliver a message that could save your people. Finally embrace your powers to become Thick or Thin. Use your creativity to solve challenging yet fair puzzles. In each world, you have a different power to affect the size of objects, and it is size altering strangeness.

The size manipulating behaviors include: the ability to enlarge or shrink yourself and other items, objects that are immune to being altered, areas that nullify your powers, density control, elasticity, molecular fractal discharge, and perhaps more.

Through Thick & Thin treats your time and attention as precious. There's no filler in this game. Every puzzle shows you something new and interesting about the game world.

Core Features

The Thick System - manipulate the size of yourself and other objects, from tiny to absolutely gigantic!

Rich Puzzle Environment - Travel through a series of worlds searching for puzzle pieces, then solving puzzles by manipulating time: rewinding, creating parallel universes, setting up pockets of dilated time. The gameplay feels fresh and new; the puzzles are meant to inspire new ways of thinking.

Forgiving Yet Challenging Gameplay - the challenge is about solving puzzles, rather than forcing you to replay tricky jumps.

Can you be comfortable in your own skin or let anxiety stop you from personal growth?


" - Super Simple 2D Game Kit" for additional code, sound effects & assets.

"" & "" for royalty free music.

Special Thanks

Cherie & Norah for love & support.

Thomas B. for mentoring.

MOA Group for accountability.

You for playing ðŸ¥‡.

Release date Dec 01, 2021
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorSaeed Gatson
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse

Development log

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